Thank you for all who volunteered to help clean-up Plandome Road!

Earth Day Community-Cleanup '22 Photos

Manhasset Chamber of Commerce

Photo Credit: Mack S Bradley Photography & Shop Manhasset


Participate in Manhasset Chamber's Earth Day: Community Clean-Up! Help us keep Manhasset Beautiful!

The Great Global Cleanup® is a worldwide campaign to remove billions of pieces of trash from neighborhoods, beaches, rivers, lakes, trails, and parks — reducing waste and plastic pollution, improving habitats, and preventing harm to wildlife and humans.

In conjunction with the Town of North Hempstead, the Manhasset Chamber of Commerce (MCOC) and the Greater Manhasset Civic Association will be hosting it's annual Community Clean-Up day.

The Sidewalk Sweep will unite community members, working together to clean up trash, weed the plantings and sweep the debris from the sidewalks. The Town of North Hempstead will supply Gloves and Trash Bags to all the participants.

The Manhasset Chamber will provide re-usable Tote Bags with design created by logo contest winner to all locals, while supplies last! All volunteers are welcome, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Local Organizations, Residents and more.

Great opportunity for Community Service Hours.

Event Date: April 22, 2022 Earth Day

Time: 1:00PM

Location: Mary Jane Davies Green (check-in with Manhasset Chamber)

Visit Manhasset Chamber of Commerce to get a Free Tote Bag.

Flower & Vegetable Seed Fundraiser.

Proceeds will go to Manhasset Beautification, come support to beautify our town!

Registration encouraged. Fill out Form at bottom of this page...


If you signed up for the Plandome Rd Clean-up:

Please check in at Mary Jane Davies Green at 1PM with the Manhasset Chamber of Commerce.

You will be provided with an Earth Day T-shirt, trash bags and gloves donated by the Town of North Hempstead.

A limited amount of brooms will be provided, volunteers can bring their own broom, but not required.

The chamber will also be giving out free reusable tote bags to the community and will be selling plant and vegetable seeds to fundraise for beautification.

All volunteers will receive a certificate from the ToNH for their community service!

Please make sure to check out with the Manhasset Chamber, we will also provide you with an email for students to submit their service hours.

Any photos taken please post on Instagram #shopmanhasset #manhassetchamber


We look forward to seeing you on Friday! Let's work together to help make Manhasset beautiful!

If you signed up for the SMLI Beach Clean-up:

Please arrive at 10 AM and check in at the central check in at the visitors parking lot on the Museum property, Science Museum of Long Island.

You will be provided with an Earth Day T-shirt, trash bags and gloves donated by the Town of North Hempstead.

The clean-up will last until about 1pm.

Thank you,

Antonietta Manzi, VP Manhasset Chamber, Shop Manhasset

The Manhasset Chamber of Commerce (MCoC) has been more active within the past year, raising awareness in the community, helping businesses throughout the pandemic, and gathering support for a new environmental waste water treatment system on Plandome Road.

On Earth Day, April 22, 2022, rain or shine, the Manhasset Chamber will host a community-wide clean up, where Business Owners and volunteer residents will sweep the sidewalks, clean parks, and collect trash within a 1 mile radius. MCOC is proud to partner up with the Science Museum of Long Island and Town of North Hempstead (ToNH) for the community clean-up. The Science Museum of Long Island will be organizing a beach/pond clean-up with the Manhasset Bay Protection Committee.

Gloves and trash bags will be provided by the ToNH. The chamber will distribute free reusable shopping totes to the community, with the winning artwork from the Chambers Earth Day Student Logo Contest! There will be a flower/vegetable seed fundraiser at Mary Jane Davies Green to raise funds for Manhasset Beautification. MCOC will also be distributing brooms to each business owner to help maintain their storefront throughout the year.

The event is a great opportunity for community service hours, team building, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts etc. Many residents are always looking to get involved in town, and all are welcome! It's important to invest in our community!

This event was hosted by the Chamber in the past and it was a huge success. Many students and organizations were involved in the clean-up. Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts organizations weeded the sidewalks and planted in the flower beds along Plandome Road.

Adult and Student Volunteers can choose to register for Plandome Road or Beach Clean-up. Plandome Rd Clean-up will meet at Mary Jane Davies. Volunteer photographers are also needed to document the event.

Contest winner will be announced on

@shopmanhasset and @manhassetchamber


Raffle Basket created by

ByTina Design: Personalizations

Antonietta Manzi

@bytinadesign IG/FB

Photos from 2016 Sidewalk Sweep, Manhasset Chamber of Commerce

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