Saturday, November 30, 2024 a full day of events on Plandome Rd to kick off the Holiday Season! Shop Manhasset and Manhasset Chamber of Commerce are working on many ways to help our small businesses to encourage the community to Shop Local, Spend Local, Eat Local this holiday season.
Holiday Shopping Guide, Photos with Santa, Free Movies and more.
full day festivities on Plandome Rd!
Support the Manhasset Beautify Project to help refresh holiday decor for the winter. An ornament with Sponsors Name will be hung on the garland post or planter when displayed during the holidays until early January.
Event Photos - Mack S. Bradley Photograpy
Santa Photos - Mack S. Bradley Photograpy
The Grinch - Mack S. Bradley Photograpy
Gingerbread Contest - Mack S. Bradley Photograpy
Shop Manhasset Photos
Shop Manhasset Photos
Mack S Bradley Photos
Hosted by:
This is a free event however we do encourage all businesses to support the Manhasset Chamber of Commerce by joining or renewing their yearly membership of $100! Thanks to your support we are able to continue to organize these events!
Residents can donate too! Sponsor $25 Residential Donation and/or $45 Manhasset Beautification